Vincent Stone attended Grad Bash, an annual event at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida on April 26. For $150 they received transportation to and from the park on a charter bus. Seniors stayed in the cafeteria after school, and the bus left the school around 5:30 p.m. and returned at 4 a.m. Students from various high schools typically participate.
“I got to go on seven rides and had fun hanging out with friends,” Stone said. “I think it is valuable for the experience and doing it for senior year is special because you only get to do it once.”
Anjani Sharma said she had mixed feelings about Grad Bash.
“Honestly, it wasn’t the best, and my friends can attest to that,” Sharma said. “It was nice seeing people I know from other schools, but the time spent waiting in lines was obnoxious. My friends and I spent hours waiting for rides, and I’m a person who likes sleeping or getting work done, so it was a bummer. I felt like I could have put that time and money somewhere else that could have benefited me more.”
By Shuhuai Xu