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Cold front brings fall clothes

With the recent cold front that traveled across Florida on Thursday through Sunday, many pulled out their winter clothes to warm up to the change in weather.

“I was happy about the weather change because I love to wear sweaters and scarves, and I like fall-time colors,” sophomore Samantha Unger said.

Despite only a moderate change in temperature, senior Riley Audet took advantage of cooler temperatures.

“The fall style for guys is dark jeans, striped jackets and a pair of skate shoes,” he said.

While sophomore Michaele Garrison said she was excited for the weather change and anticipating being able to wear long sleeves and jeans, others weren’t planning drastic changes.

“Since the cold wasn’t that severe, I didn’t dress that differently. I mostly wore what I would’ve worn to school any other day,” sophomore Bridget Lee said.

But freshman Morgan Evans welcomed the falling mercury.

“Overall, it was a nice temporary change in temperature,” she said. “I enjoyed being able to wear some clothes that have been sitting in my closet all year.”

By Kayley Lew