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Chick-Fil-A fundraiser set for Wednesday

The Junior Class will be holding a fundraiser for prom Wednesday at Chick-fil-A from 5 p.m.  to 8 p.m. at the Melbourne and Palm Bay locations.

“We’re trying to do all we can to decrease the price of Prom tickets,” Junior Class Vice President Diana Sheedy said. “For this reason, the more people that go out and support Chick-fil-A, the more people are supporting our Prom.”

Sheedy said Chick-fil-A was generous in the amount of money that would go to West Shore.

“In order for the money to go towards West Shore, students have to say that they’re from West Shore,” Junior Class Treasurer Aalekhya Tenali said. “It’s not everyone that’s eating there that we’re getting part of the proceeds.”

Sheedy said the more that people support this and other fundraisers, the less Prom tickets will cost.

“Chick-fil-A is delicious,” Sheedy said. “And let’s be honest, would you rather be paying money for Prom tickets or delicious food?”