Basketball team prepares for upcoming season

The end of basketball season ending doesn’t mark the end of basketball commitment. The boys’ varsity team has been attending open gyms on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 

Sophomore Camden Garoust said he believes that open gyms help to build a strong foundation and improve skills. 

“We play games during open gyms to help prepare for the next season and improve our skills,” he said “We also have several camps over the summer with the future varsity team to help build a foundation and prepare for the upcoming season.” 

Sophomore Beau Couture said he feels like open gyms are essential. 

“[The open gyms] are getting us back into game shape preparing for the summer team camps,” Couture said. 

Freshman Maxwell Jachec said the team scrimmages and plays “mock games,” which helps them reinforce their skills. 

“We pretty much just scrimmage at our open gyms, which helps us get back into the routine and helps us retain our skills,” he said. 

By Adithya Niyogi