Senior follies leaves them laughing

Senior Jett Morgan and Sophomore Naya Erfe had a few laughs during the Senior-Faculty FolSenior lies held in the school gym Friday.

“I like Senior Follies,” Erfe said. “It’s a chance for students and teachers to make fun of each other. My favorite part was when [Principal Rick] Fleming and [art teacher Matt] Henderson were playing Keegan [Schauman] and Nick [Burgess]. They are the iconic duo of that grade.”

The follies is an annual event during which seniors make fun of the teachers and the teachers equally make fun of the students in a skit format.

“My skit was on [Assistant Principal Catherine] Halbeur, and I pretty much dressed up in a dress and poked fun at her stress on cell phone policy and dress code, in particular how she stresses the girls more,” Morgan said. ” The crowd seemed to enjoy it because I had laughter during my skit. I thought everyone did really good overall with pretty much everyone having good skits and it made for a really fun Senior Follies.”

By Matthew Marcinkowski