Gianni Valenti
2016 graduate Hanna Brusca decorates her parking space last August.
Seniors claimed their personal parking spaces on Saturday, with the annual senior parking spot painting fund-raiser. For a price of $10, seniors had the option to paint and thereby designate a parking space in the student parking lot for themselves. The proceeds from this fund-raiser benefit the Senior Class.
Students varied in their approaches to the decorating. Some opted for spray paint and stencils, while others hand painted personal designs onto their paw prints. Taking place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., the fund-raiser had the all-time largest participation from the senior class, with 95 seniors purchasing painted spots.
“I am very pleased and proud of the amount of participation this senior class has displayed,” senior class sponsor Jill Whitacre said.
However, due to the large number of spots that needed to be painted over before decorating and some miscommunications, not all seniors have been able to decorate their spots yet.
“Unfortunately, I do not think everyone was on the same page about the fund-raiser,” Whitacre said. “The Saturday paint day was primarily supposed to be to paint over previous decorations and stencil the new paw prints on. It was not necessarily for decorating. I feel bad that this was not communicated because the seniors, whom I think of as my own children, walked away disappointed, and nothing pains me more. “
Students have opted to finish painting before and after school instead, still managing to add flair to their parking spaces on their own time.
“I was a little disappointed because I didn’t get to actually paint my spot Saturday, but I’ll just do it some other time,” senior Will Lemstrom said. “Overall, the idea is cool, and it’s a great way for seniors to show their personality and superiority.”