Kha Duong
Students selected Assistant Principal Robert Farrell for the red-wig honor.
Students selected Assistant Principal Robert Farrell over economics teacher Bob Sarver and English teacher Susan Woyshner to receive the honor of wearing a bright red wig Friday as Red Ribbon Week drew to a close.
Students voted by putting money in various cups labeled with teachers’ names during lunch throughout the week in support of a drug-free lifestyle. Students Against Destructive Decisions club is sponsoring this fund-raiser in the cafeteria.
“I would like to see Mr. Farrell in a red wig because he is the [Assistant Principal] and all serious, so it would be funny so see him like that,” freshman Jessie Shaw said Wednesday.
Originally, the plan was to dye or paint a teacher’s hair red, but SADD Club sponsor Jessica Hartman said they decided to paint an afro wig for the winning teacher to wear instead. In the end, the drama department donated the use of one of its props: a Disney Ariel wig.
“I was even prepared to dye my hair red as long as I could dye it back,” Woyshner said. “I would think it’s a ball [to wear the wig]; it’s a riot.”
By Katelyn Kent