Elise Chauvin
The Purrfections pose after performing their hip-hop routine from camp.
As the previous season came to a close for the varsity Purrfections, those left on the school’s dance team decided to step it up a level. The dancers were named national champions for their pom routine last spring. This year, they chose to add a hip-hop routine for competition. They had a second choreography practice for this routine Sunday.
“This was a good opportunity for us to adopt a new style and expand our horizons, specifically pertaining to hip hop,” co-captain Kathryn Carrick (12) said. “Hip hop involves more tricks rather than turns and leaps. Thus the skills we will have to work on will be dramatically different than those in a pom or jazz routine.”
The main reason behind the addition is for the chance to earn the division winner title. In order to win a division, a team must perform three different routines.
“We have only done pom and jazz routines, but since we got first place in pom last year we decided to do another competition routine so we’re eligible for winning the division and getting prize money,” co-captain Abi Johnson (11) said.
This is the first season for the team to compete under the hip-hop category, which is different from what they are used to.
“We’ve never competed with a hip-hop routine before so it’s an all-new experience for everyone even coach,” Johnson said. “We’re also more studio dance team than a drill team, so hip hop doesn’t come naturally for most of us.”
In addition to that, they will have more competition this year. At the Contest of Champions Nationals, the teams compete based on size. Due to an increase of girls on the team, they no longer can sign up for the category they had competed in last year.
“I am a little nervous because we have increased our number of girls which bumps us from the extra small category at nationals to the small category at nationals which is the hardest and most competitive category,” Carrick said.
Even with this in mind, the team stays positive.
“I ended up having a really good time. I’m excited to learn the rest of it. [The style] is definitely more like what we are used to. It’s very sassy and high energy,” said Katie Perez (11), who is new to the varsity team.
The team held the second choreography practice Sunday to learn the rest of the routine and will continue cleaning it and practicing until they compete in late February.
“We will have to work extra hard to maintain our status as national champions, however, this is a very dedicated, hard-working team so I have total faith in us,” Carrick said.
By Elise Chauvin