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The music department is preparing for February and March’s music performance assessments (MPA). From new music pieces to sight reading, students are practicing for this quickly approaching event.
MPA is a nationwide annual event between February and March for middle and high school students to get feedback on their musical performances. The orchestra’s MPA will be in February, and both chorus and band will participate in March.
“We go as a group and perform for a panel of judges and they give us an overall rating of our performance,” said orchestra director Melanie Richardson.
To achieve a high score, the different music groups must practice and prepare together beforehand. For orchestra, these preparations include giving the students their music pieces in advance.
“I actually gave them all their music before winter break,” Richardson said. “I was hoping that by giving it [MPA music] to them early… we’ve started a little stronger instead of waiting.”
Similarly, chorus director, Kristen Ross, is also preparing her classes early.
“We are sight reading at least three to four times a week,” Ross said. “We are learning our songs in every class right now.”
Band director Justin Snively said he focuses on testing the students on their music to ensure they are comfortable.
“The goal is that everybody is confident on their part, on their instrument, and confident performing it in a month,” Snively said.
The band and orchestra will both have concerts in February, and the concerts will serve as a way to practice for MPA. The band program will have its pre-MPA on Feb. 18 at Satellite High School.
“Our teachers are giving us practice videos so that we can know the parts and…we’re going to have a concert before MPA,” seventh grader and orchestra student Genevieve Nolek said.
In addition to preparing for their music performances, teachers and students must also prepare mentally for the stresses MPA may bring.
“It’s kind of a love-hate relationship,” Richardson said. “I like it because it is a standardized way in order to evaluate how your groups are doing…but I also don’t always love it because there’s always the pressure of you want to do well.”
Similarly, students such as Nolek have strong emotions toward the upcoming MPA.
“I’m kind of nervous, but I feel like I’m going to do really good,” Nolek said.
Sophomore August Terry, a chorus student, said she has positive feelings toward MPA.
“I love it,” Terry said. “[Kristen Ross] has been a great help, I love her so much.”
Despite the many emotions MPA may bring, the teachers said they are optimistic about their students’ fate.
“I’m really confident that they’re going to do well,” Richardson said. “I believe in them a lot, and even though things might not be perfect, they do work very hard.”
By Lauralai Gant