Dana Brown
In addition to hanging in the mall, student art is currently being displayed in the media center.
West Shore artists are currently on display in the Melbourne Square Mall until Jan. 25. The displays are located in the mall next to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
“Having my artwork displayed in the mall made me feel happy because even if I’m not selling my work it’s nice to know people are seeing it and are being impressed by it,” freshman Colin Moore said. “I decided to put my artwork in the exhibition because it was matted and I wasn’t doing anything with it so I decided might as well enter it. I entered gesture drawings that took 30 seconds each and a portrait that overall took 5 hours to create.”
Art teacher, James Finch explains why the displays are there and what the exhibition is like.
“It is an exhibition so the artworks were not judged,” Finch said. “There is a wide range of different art but not a lot of space so not everything was able to be shown. It has a nice sampling of things that artists at our school do.”