courtesy Brevard Zoo
In anticipation of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Brevard Zoo has announced that it will be offering numerous discounts to parents visiting the zoo with their families on either holiday. The main deal is free admission for mothers and fathers on their respective holidays, as long as they are accompanied by a paying child. Sophomore Julia Travis speculated on her family’s attendance.
“My mom had a pass to the zoo that expired in December,” Travis said. “So she would probably want to go if she knew she didn’t have to pay.”
As the holidays draw nearer, students such as Travis are enveloped in a slight panic over what to get their parents.
“[I may be] getting them a small gift if I have the money,” Travis said. “I usually ask them for money when I go out with friends, but for these holidays I can’t.”
While each family differs in their observation of Mother’s and Father’s Day, Travis explained that her family generally makes the holidays a more casual affair.
“They aren’t that big of a deal in my household,” Travis said. “If you don’t mention anything about it, my dad will ask me if I still love him, jokingly. And my mom will probably say in the morning, ‘I love you and I’m happy to be your mom,’ so then we automatically say it back.”
The zoo acknowledged that while there are many ways to celebrate these holidays, they do see around a 25 percent increase in attendance on these days.
“For more than 15 years, we have always offered a special discount to moms and dads on their special holiday,” said Andrea Hill, the marketing and communications director at the zoo. “And what better way to spend a holiday with family but at the Zoo.”
The zoo is also providing 50 percent off the Canopy Walk, Challenge Reloaded, Black Diamond and Zip Only courses at Treetop Trek. Tickets must be purchased in person on the respective holiday. None of the zoo’s offerings may be combined with any other promotions.
By Emily Lovelock