Super Smash Bros.
The Junior Class will be raising funds for Prom by holding the second Super Smash Bros. Tournament of this school year April 23. The first tournament of this school year was held in October.
“This one is different from the one 1st semester as it’s a doubles tournament,” Treasurer Haley Alvarez-Lauto said. “Participants team up and compete and play Super Smash Bros.”
Alvarez-Lauto said she expects the Super Smash Bros. tournament to be an annual event.
“The Junior Class gets dibs on the Super Smash Bros. tournament,” Alvarez-Lauto said. “We did one early this year and doing one again.”
Alvarez-Lauto said that the Prom budget is higher this year than previous years and therefore requiring more fund-raising.
“We are spending more on Prom than last year,” Alvarez-Lauto said. “This year the venue alone costs more than last year.”
Aarushi Vyas (9) said the event has a limited audience demographic.
“I feel that although this event might attract a specific part of West Shore’s population, the majority will not be interested in participating,” Vyas said.
The tickets will be sold at the commons during Power Hour from March 25 to 27.
By Laya Damaraju