With the numerous cancelations of events this year, the status of Wildcat Challenge and Spirit Week was concerning for students. Despite the difference in time when it took place in the school year, seniors welcomed the celebrations with open arms.
“Honestly, I’m just really glad that we had having Spirit Week and Wildcat Challenge at all,” senior Meghan Mathys said. “Once COVID-19 started last year, I figured we wouldn’t be able to have any of our traditional upperclassmen activities, so I’m super-glad that we got to at least have Wildcat Challenge, even if it was a lot later in the year.”
Despite the difference in timing compared to past years, senior Tyanna Jeter appreciated the break in studying for her upcoming Advanced Placement tests.
“ I think [the timing] was good because the students get to have fun and relax before going into study mode,” Jeter said. “It gave us a mental break from school work.”
The excitement for spirit week and Wildcat Challenge was shared by many seniors.
“I looked forward to woke Wednesday [the most] so I could wear my PJs,” Jeter said. “I was also excited for Wildcat Challenge because last year was the last event we seniors did.”
Mathys said she was excited for all aspects of her last Spirit Week and relished the fun.
“I [absolutely] love Spirit Week and Wildcat Challenge,” she said. “It’s so much fun to see everyone get dressed up to match the themes each day, and the rivalry and camaraderie of Wildcat Challenge are the best.”