The Senior-Faculty Follies buyout is scheduled to take place on March 23 during home room and the evening performance on March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria. The buyout is $2 and the evening show $4. Senior-Faculty Follies is a tradition in which a few seniors and faculty members put together skits to parody each other.
Junior Jack Krasny goes to enjoy the entertainment offered by the short skits.
“I like it when the seniors make fun of the administration, but I don’t laugh at the [Principal Rick} Fleming skits. He’s too chill to make fun of,” Krasny said.
The buyout is a preview to the longer-running night show, designed to entice students to return to the campus to see additional skits.
“I go to support West Shore financially,” Krasney said. “Just kidding. I go mostly just to get out of homeroom.”
Sophomore Shaye Wilson has high expectations.
“It had better be better than last year,” she said. “I expect a lot of laughs from the comedic persuasion. I love when people make fun of [Assistant Principal Jim] Melia because if anyone can get their voice that deep, I applaud them.”
By Jenna Winter