Delaney Gunnell
Seniors enjoy hanging out in tents during their annual prank day.
Students came to school to see upturned trash cans, powder on the stairs and glitter strewn on the sidewalks Friday as a result of the annual senior prank day.
“I thought the camping idea was really cute and a fun thing for the seniors to do,” eighth-grader Mckenna S. said.
To fit with their theme, the seniors set up tents across campus. Hammocks and other camping supplies were on hand for the seniors to enjoy, as well as underclassmen who couldn’t resist taking photos.
“I thought it was especially [fun] with all the seniors making pancakes in the morning,” Mckenna said.
Freshman Haley Tucker did not share the enthusiasm.
“It was kind of bland,” she said. “Even though the initial excitement was there, it wasn’t over the top like last year.”
Tucker said the prank made her look forwards to her future as a senior.
“It made me and my friends think about what we would do to really bring the fun,” she said. “I would definitely keep the idea of putting a bench in the portable and using Saran Wrap.”
Mckenna said she hopes next year’s prank will exceed this year’s.
“There are a lot of people I know who will be graduating next year, and senior prank is always a last hurrah of sorts,” she said.
By Delaney Gunnell
Editor’s note: Brevard Public Schools policy prohibits the inclusion of middle-schoolers’ last names on district-sponsored websites.